

S.L. Minda Memorial Sports Academy is a part of SL Minda Skill Center (a unit of Moga Devi Minda Charitable Trust). It focuses on developing a sports-inclusive ecosystem in the rural areas of the region. We aim to provide the opportunity to the people of rural areas to enter into the vicinity of sports and athletics to build their carrier in the same field. In the initial stage, we will start by organizing multiple sports tournaments in which we will invite teams from different villages. These tournaments will be conducted/organized at least 3 times a year. Gradually we will pick the best players among these teams and form one good team and sponsor that team for the district/state/national level. Later on, we will establish a Boarding Sports Academy and incubate the budding players of the region and train them for state and national-level sports and athletics.

Vision: We endeavor to become the leading sports academy in the region. We hope to ensure the best provision for budding sportsmen to become the best in their class.

Mission: To establish a ‘sports inclusive’ ecosystem for the sports & athletics aspirants through organizing tournaments on a regular basis. In the long term, we also tend to establish a boarding sports academy for young players and provide them with state-level facilities to achieve the desired result.


  • Enthusiastic (effort, passion, creativity, positivity, inspiration, enjoyment)
  • Professional (communication, knowledge, punctuality, organization, optimization, innovation, education)
  • Integrity (trust, loyalty, honesty, teamwork, ethos)
  • Conscientious (trust, honesty, integrity, caring, reliability)
  • Teamwork (communication, listening, loyalty, positivity, passion, organization, reliability)


  • Organizing multiple sports tournaments at the village level.
  • Further, state-level tournaments will be organized. (Long term).
  • Followed up by National level Tournaments. (Long term).


  • To conduct sports coaching.
  • To raise the competence of the trainees through practices and well-defined coaching.
  • To conduct different sports tournaments.
  • To organize conferences, seminars, and workshops, on sports-related subjects
  • To implement the sports promotion schemes of SAI
  • Identification of sports talent at village & district level competitions of sports promotion schemes of Govt. of India, for further grooming.